How my Journey began


True Happiness takes Constant Commitment, Dedicated Will, a Desire to Choose and Nurture a way out of the Darkness and into the Joy of the Light.

I became incredibly aware of the energy around me and others at an early age, I could feel the unwanted emotions of the world, in particular, my family. This lead me to deep isolation as I couldn’t figure out how to ‘‘fix things’’ to make the people around me feel better and instead I took it to heart not knowing it was their own projections I could feel, about themselves.

I started questioning everything, as I became older it led me to different spiritual courses and personal development classes, desperately seeking satisfaction in a seemingly dark existence. I am happy to say, along my journey seeking for answers to other peoples pain, I dove deep into my own and came home to myself.

Embodying this now and continuing my learning always, I feel a deep calling to assist people in the health and healing field to also come home to themselves..

I learnt a lot about myself, especially that not everything is as it seems and I really enjoy being able to feel this and share it with others.

I love having an open mind and heart towards life which leads me to the exploration of our mind, body and soul.

Having an optimistic outlook on life, I always took pride in continually growing and expanding my learnings through being curious about my state of being in the world.

Allowing my feelings to guide me and my in escapable desire to help others feel their emotions, move through them and create a life they love, because that was what I was journeying through, I became obsessed with courses and personal development programs. This all lead me to deepen my practise of self awareness, work on my own blocks to healing and happiness and alas began to help others with their own mindset blocks, feelings and placement in the world too.

I love teaching others how to gain self trust and reliance on their own energy, thus impacting the world around them in a positive way.

What others have said:

“Crystal has a very loving and compassionate presence, a caring and trusting touch, and is without judgement. She sees through perceptions into the truth of the soul. Using her techniques is just a small part of what Crystal does, above all, her deep compassion for others' shines through and her belief that everyone can achieve health and happiness through a willingness of personal responsibility, exploration, action and most of all, love.”

So, what am I doing in my spare time? Well, when I’m not exploring the depths of my soul and helping others help themselves, you can find me at the beach soaking up the sun, dancing, exploring in nature, reading, watching films or hanging out with friends & family (or fur babies.)

My favourite quotes by Carl Rogers - Psychologist of the Humanist Movement time:

''True empathy is always free of any evaluative or diagnostic quality. This comes across to the recipient with some surprise. "If I am not being judged, perhaps I am not so evil or abnormal as I have thought".''

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.”

What I am is good enough if I would only be it openly.”

“People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.”



Diploma of Kinesiology incl Counselling

Trauma Informed Certification

Embodied Processing

Life Coaching Certificate

NLP Practitioner

EFT and Tapping Certificate

Hypnotherapy Certificate

Somatic Therapy Certificate

‘‘True self, is the self that knows it is ok to be all things and accept all emotions as they arise, without judgement, allowing us to feel inwardly and express outwardly, creating balance and harmony.’’

Connect inward to create outward.