If you are looking for an all inclusive therapy, then Kinesiology might be for you.


Kinesiology is the glorious coming together of Traditional Eastern Medicine and Chiropractic Western Medicine.

It was first created by Dr Goodheart, a Chiropractor in the early 1970's, who made the astonishing connection between muscle function and health, stress and emotions stored in the body. A sort of ''muscle memory'' that we all know of.

Kinesiology uses the technique of muscle monitoring and the body's own innate wisdom to access the core of presenting issues and what treatment's may be required for the best form of healing, on a body, mind and spirit level.

It is a complimentary medicine that blends a range of natural therapies including energy work, counselling, body work, nutrition, osteopathy and techniques from the Chinese Acupuncture System as well as teachings from the 5 Elements.

It is a way to access the unconscious knowings of your body in order to release the wisdom of healing. Our goal is for you to live a more fulfilled life that is in alignment with your best self and to bring balance emotionally, spiritually and physically so it is easier to achieve this.

Kinesiology can ask the questions that we tend to miss, or forget to ask.

In times of imbalance or challenges in health and happiness, we can turn to Kinesiology to find out.

We can ask:

What is needed here for understanding this issue on all angles?

What is out of alignment here?

What are the underlying causes that are creating this?

What do I need to do in order to have balance?

Kinesiology is especially helpful for you if you have tried other ways to get to the core of issues, you know there is a way to heal but just haven't found it yet.. Let's explore!

A session will generally start with compassionate counseling and bring to light some unconscious belief systems or limitations in the process. This information can be the key to releasing what may be holding you back from healing. Personal responsibility of owning these beliefs or limitations and then willing to change them, is the first step to healing. EMPOWERING!

Your unique you will guide the session to discover the best source of bringing your body back into a balanced state of being, awareness around issues and what to do in order to shift them, or for some cases, a deeper understanding towards your healing journey.

Listening and asking while holding the utmost respect and a non judgement space for you to be accepted in all that you are, you lie down, chat and relax while the practitioner works with your body, moving some muscles and holding acupressure points, is all part of the healing and integration aspect.

Depending on your concern, generally 3 -4 sessions is a good start, we can get very clear on what is needed and also implement at home, work. Most people also enjoy a once a month ''tune up'' to keep on track and living a happy and balanced life. Bringing to session anything that comes up for them emotionally, personally or if there is a health imbalance, we can always work on it to bring back alignment!

Encompassing body, mind and spirit, bringing these together to achieve harmony and balance.

It is all in the allowing and the unfolding of your own innate wisdom. Freeing yourself from your own self built obstacles, or health conditions, to transform your life into a direct reflection of your own healthy happy and balanced self. What we feel internally is always expressed externally!

​Kinesiology can help with but is not limited to:

  • Anxiety, stress and depression

  • Fears and phobias

  • Trauma

  • Deep emotional issues

  • Postural support

  • Brain function

  • Pain – emotional and physical

  • Fatigue & exhaustion

  • Chronic conditions

  • Belief patterns/perspectives

  • Energy and Spiritualistic healing

  • Digestive upsets

  • Libido

  • Fertility

  • Learning difficulties

  • Goal setting

  • Personal development

  • Life purpose

  • Relaxation and General Wellbeing


What about Online or Distance Kinesiology?

Firstly, if you are new to this, I’d like to start with saying, that all living things have an energetic field that exists in and around them. It connects all of us together and with permission, a Kinesiologist can tune in to perform muscle testing on themselves with the right intention of connecting to the client in order to gain feedback for the session, on the clients behalf.

Kinesiology has a wonderful way of working energetically.

As if in person, the connection can be over video chat or an agreed time offline (already discussed what the client would like to work on, then Kinesiologist will go ahead and do the work offline, no need for video chat)

The Kinesiologist will find blocks and release anything that is needed at the time, in order for the client to achieve balance and harmony and be on their way to living a life they LOVE!

Some clients have even said they’ve enjoyed the online sessions more.

Even though people are in their own space at home, the full attention and intention can still be felt.

Sometimes going straight to the source that online sessions can do, bypassing a lot of the “noise” that can show up during a face-to-face session, can be extremely effective.

If this sounds like something you'd like to try then book in now.

Happiness, Wellbeing and Purpose is achievable when we are Balanced and Aligned.

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